Date: June 24, 2024

Migrated to

I've been planning to migrate my website to my own domain from a long time.
(I was waiting to start my new job)
Thanks to my brother, I bought the domain yesterday. Now, you are visiting this page at

Currently, hosting it on a cloud server is not feasible for me, so I'm using GitLab Pages.
The pages don't load as fast as I had hoped for my website.
I think many others are facing the same issue. Nevertheless, it's better than hosting
on netlify or Github pages. I'll probably move it to a cloud server in the near future, but for now, it gets the job done.


It got it set up in just an hour. It was fairly simple, especially with good documentation for it.
I just needed to update the DNS records. It took just 10-15 minutes for the records to propagate.

I used Gandi as my domain registrar.


GitLab Pages doesn't support web analytics, so luckily, you are not being tracked.