Date: June 1, 2024

The Modern "Art" of programming


I'm a naive programmer and have been doing it only for about 2.5 years.

Let's begin

I was born in 2002. Here are some things that were invented in the computer science
industry before I was born:

That is everything we use today and has been around for so long. The way they are crafted
are so beautiful, they are truly pieces of art. They are the results of pure high engineering, crafted
by genius programmers.

Programming is an Art

It's science but it's also art. There's imagination, understanding, skill, perfection involved.
A beautifully written code is like a painting.
I'm sorry if you don't see programming this way; you're truly missing out.

Modern programming

Programming has evolved a lot. For example. If I want to host a website, I can do it without
completely understanding the HTTP/HTTPS protocols. Indeed, computers
are meant to make your life easier. From a consumer's point of view, this is incredibly valuable.
You can host you own website with just 30 keystrokes and 5 button clicks. Awesome, right?
However, we are talking programming here. As a programmer, I would want to know what's happening
under the hood. Nowadays, We only need to understand immediate abstractions and apply them.

"Programmers love abstractions"

No, I don't.
A bunch of complex layers and abstractions are just making it unexciting.

Missing out

As modern programmers, we are really missing out on the artistic side of programming :)