Date: April 9, 2024


Here's my first blog post on this website. I believe I'll be doing this daily!? Daily because I can even write them on my phone :D
I'm not entirely sure what to write in this one. I'll come up with interesting topics in the upcoming blogs. Anyways:


I have been playing sudoku since childhood. I must have solved about ~700-800? or more? Idk the exact count.
Recently, I have started playing it more, both on my phone and on my gnome desktop.
Well, the phone apps experience is quite great. Bunch of cool themes and whatnot.
As for GNOME sudoku, I'd say it's good.
I'm not particularly fond of it. As a user, I'm not really satisfied.

Also, I discovered that the board was not hidden during a pause
I find this really annoying because a person can cheat while the game is paused, especially in a 1v1 scenario (which I sometimes play).

And I fixed it: MR. "Fixed" because it was a bug.
This thing existed in GNOME 42, but it was not implemented during GTK4 port. WOW

That's all ig. I don't think I'll be getting more technical in upcoming blogs (hopefully)